Zacks Pie (Exotic Blooms)

Zacks Pie flower is available NOW for delivery in Washington DC from our friends at Exotic Blooms! The list of flowers & edibles they have to share with you is below. But first!

To place an order call/text Exotic Blooms at +1 (202) 317-9158 and tell us Gentleman Toker sent you for 10 off your first Sticker purchase! Leave us a review for special gift! We Aim to Provide the BEST + MOST POSITIVE Customer Service. Please see website for more details, photos and gifting options:


Get a Free In-house Preroll with all Deliveries Monday-Thursday from 12-3PM during Exotic Blooms' Happy Hour!


All Customers MUST provide photo of original and valid Drivers License/ID/Out of State ID/Passport along with Selfie.


Please Note that the drivers do not carry any excess product/change on them and all deliveries require a 20 donation


Additional inquiries or comments please feel free to call or text Exotic Blooms at +1 (202) 317-9158 and tell us Gentleman Toker sent you for 10 off your Sticker Purchase!